
Not only is this not correct it is not even wrong
Not only is this not correct it is not even wrong

not only is this not correct it is not even wrong

This is what is now advocated in books like The Myth of Ownership (Thomas Nagel, Liam Murphy) and The Cost of Rights (Cass Sunsten, Stephen Holmes).

not only is this not correct it is not even wrong

You do not have a right to your life, to your liberty, to your resources, nothing.

not only is this not correct it is not even wrong

Yes, we are surrounded by loud voices that champion the very idea that used to mar whatever element of morality American culture had going for it, namely, slavery. 212-30).Īnd many others promote this kind of collective slavery, all over the modern academy, in prominently published books, at conferences, in op ed pages, in prominent political speeches, everywhere. Humanity, whose we are entirely" (Auguste Comte, The Catechism of Positive Religion, pp. This, the definitive formula of human morality, gives a direct sanction exclusively to our instincts of benevolence, the common source of happiness and duty. All human rights then are as absurd as they are immoral. And yet it would only be after a complete return that we should be justly authorized to require reciprocity for the new services. On what human foundation then could rest the idea of right, which in reason should imply some previous efficiency? Whatever may be our efforts, the longest life well employed will never enable us to pay back but an imperceptible part of what we have received. Later they only grow or accumulate before we can return any service. We are born loaded with obligations of every kind, to our predecessors, to our successors, to our contemporaries. For its social point of view cannot tolerate the notion of right, constantly based on individualism. "Everything we have belongs then to Humanity… Positivism never admits anything but duties, of all to all. The most forceful expression of this idea comes from the French father of sociology, Auguste Comte, who wrote: Yet, while nearly no one would support slavery, the kind where one person is said to own another − which is morally impossible − millions believe in the idea that you belong to society, that you are not sovereign but in bondage to the rest, somehow. If the condition of your existence involves being coerced to perform services for someone, if you may not leave without loss of everything, if you are obligated to others regardless of your refusal to give your consent, you then are enslaved or, at best, suffer the condition of severe involuntary servitude.

#Not only is this not correct it is not even wrong free

Slavery, in contrast, means you are not free even if you're terribly well fed, even if your health is well taken care of by your master, even if you are being educated at your master's expense, even if your retirement is guaranteed. You are free, even if you may go hungry for a while. You are free to exit it and no one may go capture and return you to the employer. Sure, at times one party might be hard up a good bit and will more easily yield to the terms another wants but still, the employment relationship even at its most unpleasant contains the exit option. It avoids subjugating another against his or her will but involves coming to mutually agreed to terms.

not only is this not correct it is not even wrong

Of course, one can have peaceful relationships with others that could superficially appear like slavery does − when one is employed by another, virtually night and day the difference is, however, that employment is voluntary. It takes over that person's life by others who have not obtained any authority to do this. Indeed, slavery is so wrong that it is very tempting for decent men and women to devote time and resources to ferret it out abroad, wherever it is still being practice in measures large or small.īut why is slavery so wrong, so horrible? It is, simply put, because it obliterates an individual's self-governance or sovereignty. It's an institution that must be prohibited, never to be readmitted into society. Hardly anyone in America disputes that slavery is wrong.

Not only is this not correct it is not even wrong